I had a few photos where I took one both with my camera and my phone (which already had GPS coordinates), and they matched. When I last geotagged some older photos, I had the time set correctly on my camera, but I had to adjust for 1 hour in the GeoSetter dialog to sync them properly. So even if you have your camera’s time set correctly, you may still need a correction. UTC does not have a daylight savings time shift like many places do. GPS receivers and apps record the current UTC time into the GPS track in the resulting GPX file. If the time is incorrect, it won’t match up correctly with the points saved in the track file and the location chosen will probably be way off. Conveniently, you can use an option within GeoSetter to offset the time for purposes of setting photo coordinates. Programs like GeoSetter rely on the time saved in the photo for finding where the photo fits along a GPS track. You do have to be careful about the photo timestamps though. Of course you need to have recorded a GPS track at the time. Geotagging photos automatically using a GPS track is a great way to go. When Using a GPS Track, Timing is Everything There is no source for that information like there might be in a GPS track. The altitude (or elevation) will not be set using this method.
This includes uploads to photo sharing sites such as Flickr (see Flickr’s photo map), or uploaded photos of places in Google Maps ( How to Upload Great Photos to Google Maps), and many others. Once the location is saved in the file, the photo is ready for map displays wherever they are used. It may take a minute so that’s a good way to do it. Of course, you can assign the position on many photos before hitting the Save button to save a bunch in a batch.

Open the folder with your photos in the file browser area, and click the photo that you wish to geotag.It’s easy to geotag a few photos with GeoSetter. You may find something else out there, but I’ve tried a few, and this is what I use. The program has great documentation as well. I like seeing the results when the map updates as I browse through my photos.
The author hasn’t updated the software in a while, but I found it really easy to use for both methods of geotagging.
Most importantly, it features manual and automatic batch geotagging. GeoSetter’s interface includes Google Map display, file browser with thumbnails and previews, and track overlays. In the background, it uses the open source exiftool program for saving changes.

It allows you to save latitude/longitude coordinates (and in some cases altitude) to the EXIF data of your photo files. Or you can geotag automatically using a GPS track file such as. With GeoSetter, you can geotag photos manually by using the map. If you are interested in a Mac program, or a more general overview of geotagging, see my previous post – How to Geotag Old Photos. In this article, I will go in depth on how to use this tool. GeoSetter (by Friedemann Schmidt) is a Windows program that does a great job helping you set the location for your photos.