Lfs tweak tuning setup xrg
Lfs tweak tuning setup xrg

lfs tweak tuning setup xrg

"TcpAckFrequency"=1 (DWORD value, not present by default interpreted as 2, 1=disable nagling, specifies number of outstanding ACKs before ignoring delayed ACK timer). HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ key, create a new DWORD value: To implement this tweak and disable Nagle's algorithm, modify the following registry keys.


Nagle's algorithm is enabled in Windows by default. Keep in mind that disabling Nagle's algorithm may also have some negative effect on file transfers. Disabling "nagling" can help reduce latency/ping in some games. While this improves throughput efficiency and reduces TCP/IP header overhead, it also briefly delays transmission of small packets. Nagle's algorithm is designed to allow several small packets to be combined together into a single, larger packet for more efficient transmissions. This is the same as listed in our general tweaking articles per OS. This tweak works with all versions of Windows from Windows XP to Windows 8. Backing up your Registry before any edits is highly recommended, as mistakes can cause serious issues for the operating system. The Windows Registry can be accessed from the Start/Windows button -> type: regedit. Some proficiency in using Command Prompt/PowerShell and editing the Windows Registry is expected. Some of these settings are also mentioned in our general tweaking articles, however, the emphasis here is on latency rather than throughput, and we have complemented the tweaks with more gaming-specific recommendations and settings that give priority to multimedia/gaming traffic, and may be outside of the scope of other broadband tweaks that focus on pure throughput. This article is intended to supplement our general broadband tweaks and list only TCP/IP settings that are specific to online gaming and reducing network latency.

lfs tweak tuning setup xrg

Online Gaming can often benefit from some fine-tuning of Windows TCP/IP settings and the Network Adapter properties.

Lfs tweak tuning setup xrg