Even if people don't know or don't connect the dots until you get up on stage and start preaching, it is going to start getting into their mind. You can display a quote from Jesus or Paul and reference it. You can pull a quote or a Bible verse from the book that you're going to be looking at later in the worship experience. It is a little bit interactive and you are engaging with them. You are giving people things to look at instead of numbers on a screen. Any stats about family or marriage prime the pump for your message that you're going to deliver later in the worship experience.
You're in a relationship series and you have your countdown in the corner, but put stats of the divorce rate in the United States. Let's go back to the relationship series example. Second way to enhance your countdown is using stats. That's why I use “God at the Movies” as an example. Your countdown needs to match what you're doing with your message. Also in a streaming scenario from when they turn it on and when it turns off.

You're taking your audience on a journey from parking lot to parking lot. Everything involved is all about your message. I want your message to be a part of your greeting team, your lobby, your pre-service announcement loop, your countdown, your bumper and your songs. Everything involved from the time they walk in the parking lot to the time they leave at the end of your service, all of that is the worship experience. I want to encourage you that your worship experience needs to be a journey from parking lot to parking lot.
You can have different movie trivia or different trivia about the topic of your message repeated in your countdown. Rogers movie?” You can have A, B, C, D, and then you reveal the answer is Tom Hanks. You can put the timer in the corner and you can have a question on the screen like “Who's starring in the new Mr.

Or let's say you are doing a “God at the Movies” series. If you're in a message series on let's say relationships, you can put the countdown timer video in the corner, and you can have trivia on different relationship stats. Here are six ways that you can use that time a little bit more strategically rather than just numbers counting down on screen.
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